20V 45NM 2pcs Battery Impact Drill Machine Total Brand TIDLI200215
20V 45NM 2pcs Battery Impact Drill Machine Total Brand TIDLI200215

20V 45NM 2pcs Battery Impact Drill Machine Total Brand TIDLI200215

Price: 10,500.00 - 10,500.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: +8801972525821

যোগাযোগ করুন

সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

malamal.xyz MOTIJHEEL Dhaka Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

20V 45NM 2pcs Battery Impact Drill Machine Total Brand TIDLI200215

Voltage: 20V
No-load speed:0-
400/01500/min Max. impact
rate: 22500/min
Chuck capacity: 0.8-10mm
Torque settings: 18+1+1

Brand : Total Brand
Mechanical 2-speed gear 20V
Lithium-Ion 2.0Ah batteries
With 2pcs P20S 2.0Ah battery
With 1pcs fast intelligent
Charge volts: 220V240V~50/60Hz
Integrated work light
LED battery power indicator
With 1pcs Cr-V 65mm bits

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